
Question on how statistics are calculated? Check out the calculations that follow.
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UltiAnalytics calculations:
  • +/-
    • +1 for a goal.
    • +1 for an assist.
    • +1 for a D.
    • -1 for a drop.
    • -1 for a passer turnover (throwaway, stalled, misc. penalty).
    • +2 for a callahan (+1 for D and +1 for goal).
    • -1 for being callahaned.
  • points played
    • total number of points played. A player that subs in/out is credited half a point.
  • o-line or d-line points played
    • total number of o-line or d-line points the player played. A player that subs in/out is credited a half point.
  • o efficiency
    • +1 for an O-line2 goal for a point in which the player was on the field1.
    • -1 for an opponent score against the O-line2 (a break) in which the player was on the field1.
    • total divided by number of O-line2 points in which the player was on the field1
  • d efficiency
    • +1 for a D-line2 goal (a break) for a point in which the player was on the field1.
    • -1 for an opponent score against the D-line2 for a point in which the player was on the field1.
    • total divided by number of D-line2 points in which the player was on the field1
  • minutes played
    • total number of minutes played by the player. A player that subs in/out is credited half the point time.
      NOTE: If the elapsed time for a point appears amiss (> 1 hour) then it is assumed the game was adjusted outside of actual bounds and the default time per point (5 minutes) is credited.
  • touches
    • +1 when offense player picks up or catches a disc after the pull.
    • +1 when player recieves a pass. No additional count when this player subsequently passes.
    • +1 when player catches a goal.
    • +1 when player has a callahan.
  • catches
    • +1 when offense player catches the disc (including for a goal) passed from another player.
  • throws
    • +1 when offense player passes to another player (including for a goal) regardless of whether the pass is caught, i.e., includes drops and throwaways.
  • throw %
    • (throws - passer turnovers) ÷ throws
  • catch %
    • catches ÷ (catches + drops)
  • offensive productivity
    • # of goals ÷ # of O-line2 points
  • conversion rate
    • where opportunities = # of O-line points2 + # of the other team's turnovers...
      # of goals / opportunities
1Players substituted out before the goal are not affected.
2O-line refers to a point when the team receives a pull. D-line refers to a point when the team pulls.